My Speech
My speech was on the subject is on protecting native birds of New Zealand. I really enjoyed in researching native birds and how some of the species went extinct hundreds of years ago like the Moa and Huia.
Speech! Stepping daintily on the cool grass streaked with moonlight.You hear the trees swaying but something is missing. What is it? The native birds, as you strain to hear the hoot of a morepork, the tapping of feet in the undergrowth, But you hear nothing. But no songs are heard.
This is what will happen if we don’t protect our native birds.I think should be protecting these unique birds because they are so important that they are on our money! As a nation, we call ourselves kiwis right? What will we call ourselves if the real cute kiwi was extinct?
More birds are going extinct than being helped.To be exact,49 species of native birds are extinct since human set foot on New Zealand. 23 species are Nationally Critical,14 are Nationally Endangered and 33 species are Nationally Vulnerable. So that equals 70 species are threatened.
When people arrived in New Zealand they brought rats, ferrets and weasels only to name a few.When Europeans came on ships the rats brought diseases with them inside crates of food they were hiding in. When the rats got off the boats, the native species were unprepared for the four-legged creatures that landed on our shores some 700 years ago.When rats had seen how much food was around, they breed faster and wreaked havoc everywhere they went.